Setting Ring 21mm | ±1.0µm Accuracy
Setting rings are most commonly used for setting bore gauges, this is the fastest
most reliable method because the part to be gauged and the setting ring have the
same geometric shape. Ring gauges are metrolog..
Setting Ring 24mm | ±1.0µm Accuracy
Setting rings are most commonly used for setting bore gauges, this is the fastest
most reliable method because the part to be gauged and the setting ring have the
same geometric shape. Ring gauges are metrolog..
Check Master for Calipers, Height Gauges and others measuring tools 300mm
A check master (or gauge block check master) is a precision reference tool designed specifically for verifying
and calibrating the accuracy of various measuring instruments such as c..
Steel Gauge Block Set ISO3650 GRADE 1 56 Piece
By using a steel gauge block set, you can establish and maintain accurate dimensional standards, ensuring the
quality and precision of your products and processes.
A steel gauge block set is a preci..
Setting Ring 3mm | ±1.0µm Accuracy
Setting rings are most commonly used for setting bore gauges, this is the fastest
most reliable method because the part to be gauged and the setting ring have the
same geometric shape. Ring gauges are metrology..
Setting Ring 6mm | ±1.0µm Accuracy
Setting rings are most commonly used for setting bore gauges, this is the fastest
most reliable method because the part to be gauged and the setting ring have the
same geometric shape. Ring gauges are metrology..
Setting Ring 7mm | ±1.0µm Accuracy
Setting rings are most commonly used for setting bore gauges, this is the fastest
most reliable method because the part to be gauged and the setting ring have the
same geometric shape. Ring gauges are metrology..
Setting Ring 10mm | ±1.0µm Accuracy
Setting rings are most commonly used for setting bore gauges, this is the fastest
most reliable method because the part to be gauged and the setting ring have the
same geometric shape. Ring gauges are metrolog..
Setting Ring 12mm | ±1.0µm Accuracy
Setting rings are most commonly used for setting bore gauges, this is the fastest
most reliable method because the part to be gauged and the setting ring have the
same geometric shape. Ring gauges are metrolog..
Setting Ring 15mm | ±1.0µm Accuracy
Setting rings are most commonly used for setting bore gauges, this is the fastest
most reliable method because the part to be gauged and the setting ring have the
same geometric shape. Ring gauges are metrolog..
Setting Ring 16mm | ±1.0µm Accuracy
Setting rings are most commonly used for setting bore gauges, this is the fastest
most reliable method because the part to be gauged and the setting ring have the
same geometric shape. Ring gauges are metrolog..
Setting Ring 17mm | ±1.0µm Accuracy
Setting rings are most commonly used for setting bore gauges, this is the fastest
most reliable method because the part to be gauged and the setting ring have the
same geometric shape. Ring gauges are metrolog..